Academic Program

Mercy High School offers a strong and diversified college preparatory program to challenge students and ready them for college and beyond. Three academic levels serve a wide range of students’ interests and ability levels: Honors, Advanced College Prep and College Prep. A fourth level, Advanced Placement, is available to sophomores, juniors and seniors with superior academic ability who may earn college credit for courses in the national advanced placement program. Mercy High School proudly offers AP Capstone™, a College Board program that equips students with the independent research, collaborative teamwork, and communication skills that are increasingly valued by colleges. It cultivates curious, independent, and collaborative scholars and prepares them to make logical, evidence-based decisions

Mercy students also have the opportunity to take college level courses while they are still in high school through Wesleyan University, University of Connecticut and Post University. Online courses offered during the summer enable students to fulfill academic requirements or take electives not offered during the school year.

For a full listing of courses and descriptions, please review our curriculum guide



 McGrath Institute, Bringing Science and Faith Into Dialogue Video

Featuring Mrs. Meg Malafronte, Theology Department, Mercy High School 


Academic Enrichment Opportunities

To broaden their high school academic experience and provide an advantage in preparing them for college, each year Mercy students are selected to participate in such prestigious programs as:

  • United States Presidential Scholars
  • The Governor’s Scholars
  • Yale University Discovery to Cure
  • COLT Poetry Contest
  • Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Program
  • National Financial Literacy Challenge
  • Financial Reality Fair

Mercy High School is accredited as an academic institution by the State of Connecticut and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). In 2013, Mercy received a full ten-year accreditation from NEASC for the fifth time, and was commended for its growth and accomplishments and for excellence in all aspects of it's academic and college preparatory program.

"I'm writing to you to let you know how helpful my two years in your Honors Physics and AP Physics 2 classes are. Last semester I took Introductory Physics 1 and this semester I am taking Introductory Physics 2. 

All of the topics are completely familiar from your class, and last semester I even finished the class with an A+. Thank you for preparing me and all of my classmates for college."        - Cece G. 

                                                                                        Mercy Class of 2017 

The Yellow Rose Auction is back this April!
To buy tickets for the social event on Saturday, April 26, at Mercy High School, please click below!