
There are several convenient options for getting to Mercy.

Bus Transportation

Students residing in Middletown have access to the Middletown Public School busing system at no charge. Buses are provided by Dattco Bus Company (860.635.8234). 


Students residing outside of Middletown have access to buses from many towns, provided by M&J Transportation at a cost of $1,700.00 for the 2023-2024 school year. Please use this link to register your daughter for out-of-town busing.


Xavier and Mercy students share the buses. All buses provide morning drop-off and after school pick-up. There is no late bus service. Students must register for busing. Information is sent to enrolled students in the spring.


Juniors and seniors may drive to school. They will need to complete a parking form and pay the parking fee. 


Car Pools

Parents may provide their contact information to others in the Mercy and Xavier communities wishing to form carpools. Parents of enrolled students are notified about this process in the spring.

The Yellow Rose Auction is back this April!
To buy tickets for the social event on Saturday, April 26, at Mercy High School, please click below!