Technology & Library Media Services

At Mercy High School, information technology is central to the teaching and learning process and to the way the school operates on a day to day basis.


Mercy High School utilizes technology as a tool to improve the quality of education and to equip students with the technology skills needed for success in college and their careers.  Faculty and staff are committed to guiding and learning along with students to raise the technology expertise of the entire school community.

Mercy Provides the following advantages in educational technology:

  • Classrooms equipped with digital projection and interactive technology to facilitate both teacher and student presentations 
  • Enhanced course offerings including Digital Music Recording, Digital Photography and AP Computer Science courses.
  • Online summer classes to fulfill academic requirements and take electives not offered during the school year.
  •  Office 365 account for all enrolled students which includes a download of full Office Suite software on up to five devices.
  • School Counseling (Guidance) wing equipped with computer work stations providing students with easy access to college and career resources.
  • Laptops for every faculty member and access to professional development opportunities.
  • A Technology Committee, with representatives from administration, faculty, staff, board, parents and community members, that meets regularly to oversee implementation of the Technology Strategy and annual plans.
  • Comprehensive academic and acceptable use policies, including regular programs on cyber-safety for both students and parents.

    Technology Requirements for the 2024-2025 School Year 
    Calculator Requirements for the 2024-2025 School Year 

To enhance remote and in-person learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, additional equipment and subscriptions were purchased:

  • Mobile Whiteboard for social distance learning
  • 37 Web Camera for remote instruction
  • 25 Webcamera Stands for classrooms
  • 10 USB writing tablets for remote instruction
  • Nearpod subscription for remote instruction
  • 10 Surge Protectors for increased technology needs
  • 23 HP ProBook laptops, keyboards, docking stations


Microsoft Teams is the web-based software which provides an exciting communication tool for students and parents, including individualized classroom websites for teachers to post homework, upload class notes, and provide links to relevant internet sites. Our student information system FACTS gives students and parents one easy place to find homework assignments, current grades and school calendar. 


Library Media Center

In the Library Media Center, Mercy High School students discover and explore the world beyond the classroom. Equipped with the latest technology and new book releases, it is a hub of activity for students and faculty members alike, providing access to a wide array of resources designed to support the curriculum and learning environment of the school. 

Each fall, freshwomen participate in library orientation classes where they are introduced to research procedures, databases and library policies, and an introduction to the technology used at Mercy.


The Library Media Center is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. An adjoining computer lab has devices for school related internet research or assignments.


The Library Media Center is staffed by:

  •  , MLS




The Yellow Rose Auction is back this April!
To buy tickets for the social event on Saturday, April 26, at Mercy High School, please click below!