Classes of 2026, 2027 & 2028 


Mercy Learning Online Courses 

Mercy Learning Online is an educational program available to all Mercy secondary education schools. Mercy educators with a shared commitment to teaching in the tradition of Mercy develop, review and teach every online course. Online courses are developed with fidelity to the Mercy charism and academic excellence. Mercy Learning Online courses are asynchronous. Students may access and complete material within the course session to accommodate their summer schedule; however, they must adhere to assignment due dates. All students participating in MLOL will be enrolled in an online orientation course. This will help them understand the expectations of the MLOL program and course and navigate Schoology (the platform used to deliver online courses) to access and submit assignments).

June 9-July 11




AP Skills Prep Course

AP Skills Prep, a 1-week summer enrichment course, will highlight some of the important skills the College Board expects its Advanced Placement students to have mastered. It is open to any student taking an AP course for the first time. Topics covered during the summer will include time management skills, answering multiple choice questions, and the development of analytical writing. Students will also have time to begin their summer assignments.

July 7-11

9 a.m. to Noon  




In this three-week course, students will practice and review necessary skills and strategies needed for success on the SAT exam. Students will spend half the time in Math class and half the time in English class. With plenty of opportunity for practice exams along the way, students will leave this course feeling ready to tackle the SAT. It is perfect for those students looking to take the SAT exam offered in August!

July 7-25

9 a.m. to Noon  
